Sunday, January 3, 2010


Today is grocery day, so it seems a simple idea to seek out new and interesting foods in the produce and grain sections of the grocery store and then find recipes that use them. Over the past few years I have added new foods to our diet and often with good results. Leeks make an excellent addition to a veggie barley soup, and are good with arugula, mozzerella and chicken or veggie stock and pasta. Barley is a wonder food, lots of nutrition, economical and easy to make into a soup with or without meat. And fresh herbs (I grow my own) zip up any dish. So today I will be looking for new foods and buying oatmeal and honey to try another homemade face mask. The avacado mask from yesterday was effective, and had my hubby hooting when I was walking around, green in the face, singing my version of "It's not easy being green."

Finally, for my new thing today, I will start reading Simone de Beauvoir's memoirs -- exploring a new genre, autobiographical writing.

Still waiting for people to join in this quest....



  1. You should try Quinoa (Keen-wa) very yummy its a seed that can be used as a replacement for rice..VERY high in protien!

  2. Will try it next, thanks! Loved the latest pic by the way!
