Sunday, January 17, 2010


Well, I am still suffering with my cold, although the lemon and honey, ginger, and garlic soup seem to help a bit, the cold is hanging on. My husband says a cold will last one week if you don't treat it and seven days if you do treat it, but I am not going to give in. So tonight's soup was laced with both garlic and garam masala, a mixture of Indian-inspired spices that gave the soup some heat. And today's task is to explore Ayurvedic principles for treating a cold. Ayurveda is an ancient healing system with its origins in India that uses herbs, massage and yoga.

The system is based on the idea that we all have three major characteristics, but on will be dominant. The three types or doshas are vatha, pitta, and kapha (air fire and water). A cold is caused by an imbalance of the vatha and kapha doshas. The recommended remedies are ginger and honey, lemon and honey, and some herbal remedies.


Guess I will have a cup of neo-citran and get some rest!

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